Thursday, August 26, 2010

Link from

Click Here for a link to an article entitled Five Things You Need to Know About Ole Miss vs. Jacksonville State. All 5 things are about Ole Miss, but I thought you might enjoy reading them. Most notably, their QB is still waiting to be cleared to be added to the team.

One more tidbit I picked up from this website - An Ole Miss football "expert" (Kyle Buffolino) says: "I had to Wikipedia Jacksonville State to make sure it was in Jacksonville, Florida. Turns out I was wrong, it is in Alabama. Ole Miss shouldn’t have trouble beating teams that I know this little about."


  1. If I meet this goober in "The Grove", I'll explain the error of his ways to him.....

  2. Well bring it on, I am Kyle Buffolino, I'll be in the grove, and we can go to the game together,and by the end of the game we will see if I was right. Deal?

  3. We will bring it Kyle. Brought it to FSU last year - and they are in Florida, thought we would save you the trouble of going to Wikipedia :)

  4. you keep saying you "brought it" in a game against FSU. How bad did you beat the......oh yeah, thats right. You didnt even win.
