Saturday, December 8, 2012

That's All Folks.

After several years and lots of fun, Gamecock Illustrated is shutting down.  Thanks to all of the players and coaches that were gracious with their time.  Go Gamecocks!


  1. I vote NO

    I check the site several times a day!

    Thanks for all you have done!!!!!!

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO There aren't enough places to get JSU info as it is =( This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time! Please, please, please reconsider!

  3. Thank you for your efforts. You will be missed.

  4. I'll miss this place. Any chance of reconsidering?

  5. Sorry to hear this guys. You have always provided competent and informative stuff about our Gamecocks. Thanks for your service!! GO GAMECOCKS!!!

  6. Thanks so much for all of the nice comments and on the Gojaxstate site. This is unrelated to the coaching change - just moving on to something different. If anyone wants to take the site over, just send us an email.

  7. May this unbalanced, unobjective, slanted, positive spin on everything, clueless, sorry excuse for an informed blog rest in peace!

  8. Ding Dong the witch is dead!

  9. I hope you change your mind, and say THANK YOU for everyting you've given us.

    Not just the insight into everything Jax State, but time you took out of your lives to bring it to us.


  10. Wow, angry Troy State fan commenting...

  11. great site ... you think yall could do just fall edition?

  12. Babe, I love you so
    I want you to know
    that I'm going to miss your love
    the minute you walk out that door

    so please don't go
    don't go, don't go away
    please don't go
    don't go, I'm begging you to stay

    Hey hey hey
    I need your love
    I'm down on my knees
    beggin' please please
    please don't go
    don't you hear me baby
    don't leave me now
    oh no no no don't go

  13. Ok, NOW will you come back?
