Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jack Crowe Post Tn State Comments


The Gamecocks had their most convincing win of the season, but in his post-game comments, Coach Crowe seemed anything but happy about it. I think Coach Crowe senses this team can do something special and is taking the intensity up a notch.

On Where the team is:

“We are a work in progress.” . . .[But] We still lack the ability to put people away. . . . We are a resourceful group of football players and we can do about anything, but we lack the ability to control a game late.”

“Right now, SEMO would beat us by 10 points. . . . Its because we can’t run the ball when we have to run the ball.”

On Whether the Gamecocks were able to improve execution by keeping it simple:

“I don’t think that we were actually able to [do that] from the looks of it. We still had missed assignments and inconsistencies.”

On the Defensive effort:

“I think they benefited from [field position]. What we say is every possession [for the other team] that starts inside the 30 there is a 1 in 8 chance that somebody can drive the ball on us. But, the defense did a good job on the one turnover [on our side of the field]. I’m proud of our defense. Shutouts are hard to [come by].”


  1. Well, I'm just gonna say it. At last this season the JSU parents finally got some respect. Unfortunately, it came from the TSU band. First of all, all season long we've sat on the opposite side of the field, with the sun in our eyes, and have been more of an after thought than part of the program. And no mistaking, we are part of the program, after all it's our kids that's playing the game. But, I guess what's most discouraging is all the empty sections of seats which were on the home side. I could understand the opening game with all the hype around the new stadium, but it hasn't been to capacity since. Get us in the game JSU. We're part of the program too.

  2. If the parents didn't sit on the north stands, who would? Its not like ovc teams travel. I guess we could put the students over there, but they seems to be turning out well for the games and I would hate to throw a wrench into that. Maybe they could let the parents sit in the old red seats? it doesn't look like they have been able to sell many of those at all.

  3. We're all on the same "side"; why not sit on the same side? :)

  4. That could not be a good move for our program. Putting the students with the parents is not good. Students really get into the game, they are more verbal, and they really get involve for that win, but as parents and family members we do not accept its all part of the game. On the other hand, I am not sure the parents can handle some of the comments, or understand fan's got the right to have a favorite player. I'm a parent, and I wittness a parent getting very upset over the fan's selection of player for that particular game. I would not want to see a parent or family member getting angry at someone who support our team. "If it aint broke, Don't fix it"!!! Go Game Cocks. We are one, no matter where we sit

  5. I can understand some of the comments that have been made around seating. But let's think for a moment, at every stadium we've visited this year and last year the parents of those respective Universities, sat on the side of the home team not with us, on the visitors side, I know we are one team but being part of that atmosphere with the students and fans, is what makes a football game experience wonderful. Every other program in the country realizes this.

  6. As a proud JSU football parent I think the old red chairs are a great idea.I sat there last year , in my opinion they are the best seats in the house even with the sun.I would really like the opportunity use them again.Go GAMECOCKS keep your focus and win the national championship you can do it !Bring it home again! GOD bless you all !
