Saturday, November 19, 2011

JSU Football- OVC Champions

Its a shared championship, but a championship nonetheless. Congrats Gamecocks!


  1. Congrats, esprcially to the seniors

  2. nontheless??? try 1/3 of a champion. I am not from another OVC school. I am a JSU student and I refuse to celebrate mediocrity....We would be in third place if this joke of a conference had tie breaker rules. Sure the win eases the pain, but reality will set in soon. TTU is the true OVC champion

  3. Technically, JSU shares the championship. But really, can you consider this a championship when the two teams JSU tied both defeated JSU head-to-head? It may be recognized as such, but in my mind, this was not a championship year. I hope they go out and win a real conference championship in 2012. Go Gamecocks.

  4. JSU slaughtered Austin Peay and Austin Peay beat Eastern Kentucky...TSU beat Tech and we just beat TSU also...Those guys deserve their champioship just as the other two teams.
